House Estimation and BOQ Kurunegala
Estimation is the #1 factor to any of the construction project since everything is decided on the project budget. We provide professional estimation services for all types of construction projects around Kurunegala. Our services extends from initial estimations to Project Estimations for approvals, BOQs, documentations and support for bank loans, quantity surveying and all the required knowledge and consultation services. House Estimation and BOQ Kurunegala.
Along with the estimation, we also provide architectural designing and drawings, so it’s a join task to get the maximum benefit from the design for the given budget, and also the best budget required for the proposed design. We are pleased to provide both these services with well experienced professionals. House Estimation and BOQ Kurunegala.

- Initial Project Estimations
- Project Estimations for Approvals
- Quantity Surveying
- BOQs for Bank Loans
- Documents Required for Bank Loans
- Consultation Services